The beginning of the end

Greg Waddell
2 min readNov 29, 2020


The national trauma that was, and continues to be, the Trump Administration calls for a national reconciliation in order to depolarize the country after DJT spent four years exacerbating it. DJT built his re-election campaign on issues that were meant to divide the American people even more than they already were. That effort failed. So as the Biden Administration assumes power, it needs to make part of their Relentless Decency project [my moniker] a national conversation among the disparate political interests that, like the covid-19 virus, infect our country.

President-elect Biden will need to use all of his coalition-building skills to bring to the table everyone from Black Lives Matter to the Boogaloo Bois. There are de-escalation experts who can manage this process. This may be a multi-year process, but if successful it will be well worth it for the country.

This is already very, very hard to do…

“It’s about learning that others don’t pose the fundamental threat to your way of life, that your existence can’t happen unless theirs comes to an end,” Horgan said. “The underlying principle here is finding what you have in common.” (John Horgan, professor at Georgia State, director of the Violent Extremism Research Group)



Greg Waddell

I worked on Capitol Hill and then lobbied for IBM before they made me an IT geek. Redundant? I’m into politics. Now and then, I’ll throw something else in.